Denver/Regis Bid for North Americans October 2015

Sunrise behind the Ritchie Center on the Unive...
Sunrise behind the Ritchie Center on the University of Denver's campus (07/27/06). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is our pleasure to invite the North American Universities Debate Championship (NAUDC) to Denver, Colorado in 2015. To date, the tournament has been held on the eastern portion of the continent which hampers the ability of some of our western colleagues to affordably attend. Denver serves as a location that is easily and affordably reachable for schools from anywhere on the continent.  Below please find the preliminary proposal.

Date: October 23-25, 2015

Site: The University of Denver (DU). Located just south of downtown Denver, DU is a beautiful, modern campus with more than enough classroom space to hold a tournament of this size. DU was the host for the 2010 USU Debating Championship (USUDC) and the 2011 National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence (NPTE). Classroom availability for the proposed dates has already been confirmed by the university.

Fees: $120.00 per team. $40.00 per judge. Select meals covered by fees (see schedule below).

Team Cap: 120 teams. Willing to increase if need be.

Adjudication Core: We currently have commitments from Josh Martin (CA 2013 USUDC, 5x breaking judge WUDC, 3x top rated judge USUDC, breaking judge Oxford IV, Cambridge IV, Hart House IV, Yale IV, Hong Kong Debate Open) and Megan Towles (Co-CA 2015 USUDC, USU Finalist, USUDC breaking judge). Should we win the right to host we will immediately reach out other candidates from across North America to ensure regional representation.

Tab Staff: Dr. Alfred 'Tuna’ Snider is confirmed as tabulation director. We trust Dr. Snider to assemble a support staff that allows him to run tabulation effectively and transparently.

Judging: N-1 will be strictly enforced. In the years since the 2010 USU, World’s style debate has grown considerably in the Rocky Mountain region. There are significantly more local judges trained to judge the event than there were just a few years ago. We are confident in our ability to build a strong, representative judging pool.  

Air Travel: The Denver International Airport (DIA) is one of the most accessible airports in the United States. Most major carriers fly in and out of DIA. With proper planning, affordable flights can be gotten from just about anywhere in North America.

Lodging: Holiday Inn Cherry Creek- $99.00 per night. Quadruple occupancy per room. Breakfast included. Pool. Workout facility. Free in-room Wi-Fi. Hotel bar/restaurant.  About two miles from DU.

Preliminary Schedule:
Thursday, October 22, 2015
7 pm-9 pm- Tournament check-in/registration, Tournament Hotel

Friday, October 23, 2015
1 pm-2 pm- Tournament check-in/registration, University of Denver
230 pm-3 pm- Roll Call
3 pm- Brackets set, Mandatory judge and debater training
4 pm- Round One topic announce
(Snacks provided between rounds)
6 pm- Round Two topic announce

Saturday, October 24, 2015
9 am- Team sign-in/roll call
930 am- Round three topic announce
1130 am- Round four topic announce
1 pm- Lunch provided by tournament
2 pm- Round five topic announce
4 pm- Round six topic announce
530 pm - Dinner provided by tournament
630 pm- Break announcements

Sunday, October 25
9 am- Team sign-in/roll call
930 am- Octafinals (if needed)
1130 am- Quarterfinals
1 pm- Lunch provided by tournament
2 pm- Semifinals
4 pm- Finals
6 pm- Awards

Thank you for your consideration.

Dr. Darrin Hicks, Director of Debate, University of Denver

Dr. Robert Margesson, Director of Debate, Regis University 


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