Motions from 62 Spring Tournaments at Debate Motion Central Many of these from European Debating so thanks to them for their good work! Here are the tournaments we are sharing motions from, and links to each: Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (German Language D... TechOpen, Haifa, Israel, May 30-31 2014 Neckarwiesen Cup, Heiderlberg, Germany, May 17 201... Helsinki Open, Helsinki, Finland, May 16-18 2014 French Language World Championships Debating, Pari... IDEA League of Young Voters European Cup, Strassbo... Zeit Debatte Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 2-4 May 2014 Copenhagen Open, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2-3 May 2014... South German Regional Championships, Stuttgart, Ge... West German Regional Championships, Münster, Germa... North-East German Regional Championships, Magdebur... Hull Open, Hull, England, 26 April 2014 VUAS Debate tournament, Valmiera, Lithuania, 26-27... Paris Open, Paris, France, 25-26 April 2014 Aberdeen Open, Aberdeen, Scotland, 19 April 2014 Kent...